
NIVEA Cup 2006

Since the year 2000 Nivea has supported the German Lifesaving Federation (DLRG) with the organisation of the NIVEA Cup in at the Baltic Sea in Warnemunde. Since that time, this…

Keep watch at bath times

Royal Life Saving Australia is urging parents to be vigilant about supervision of their children at bath time, with two children aged 0-5 years drowning in baths every year. Parents…

A Stolen Ringbuoy, a Stolen Life

Mr. Dick Roche TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government pleaded with the public to safeguard Ireland’s Ringbuoys in order to help reduce drowning. Minister Roche made this…

CEO SLSA promoted

The President of Suf Life Saving Australia, Mr. Ron Rankin AM, announced the promotion of their Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Greg Nance, effective from 12 August 2006. The ILS family…

ILSE Board Meeting in Greece

Our Greek Member Association, the Hellenic Red Cross, Rescuers and Samaritans Corp organised the annual ILSE Board Meeting in the beautiful Achaia Beach Hotel in Patras, Greece from 12 until…