
European Junior Lifesaving Championships 2006

This yearâ„¢s European Junior Lifesaving Championships were run by the Italian Federation (FINS) near the city of Rome. The Pool Events took place in Anzio, 12th to 13th September whereas…

ILS Drowning Committee meets with WHO in Geneva

The ILS Drowning Report Committee, along with Lifesaving Commissioner B. Chris Brewster and Medical Committee Chair Steve Beerman M.D., met in Geneva on 12 October with representatives of the World…

ILS President visits Romanian Association

The ILS President expressed his appreciation to the National Association of Professional Divers and Lifeguards from Romania (ANSPS) for their excellent arrangements during his visit to Romania. The ILS President…

New wave of nippers take to beach life

Not just creating great surf lifesavers, but creating great Australians – that’s the catch cry of Surf Life Saving Australia for its new wave of junior lifesavers who began their…