2023 Battle of the Tasman

Gold Coast Aquatic Centre Marine Parade, Southport, Queensland, Australia

Orangecup 2023 in The Netherlands

Eindhoven, Netherlands , Netherlands

ILSE Member Reddingsbrigade Netherlands organised the Orangecup on September 1-3, 2023, for Juniors, Seniors and Masters. Event location is the Pieter van den Hoogenbank Zwemstadtion in Eindhoven. The official invitation please see below. Invitiation_2023_Orange_Cup

European Lifesaving Championships 2023

Belgium , Belgium

RedFed as a part of ILSE Member Belgian Life Saving Federation BLSF, Belgium, will organise the European Lifesaving Championships 2023 in September, 13 – 24 2023 in Brugge and Blankenberge. The official website is open, link see below.

EU-Safety 2023

Reykjavik Iceland

The 11th European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EU-Safety 2023) will take place in Reykjavik, October 5-6, 2023, organised by EuroSafe in collaboration with the Icelandic Association for Search, Rescue and Injury Prevention (ICE-SAR). Here the call for abstracts, the deadlines and email-addresses for further information: eu_safety_call_for_abstracts_2023

2nd Latino AMericano: Conferencia y Torneo de Salvamento Acuático Deportivo

Tenemos el agrado de saludarlo a usted y a su institución cordialmente con la intención de invitarlos a un importante evento social y deportivo de SAD- Salvamento acuático deportivo, organizado por la FASA (Federación argentina de salvamento acuático) y FLASS (Federación Latinoamericana de Salvamento y Socorrismo). El mismo se llevará a cabo los días 6, […]

Greek Lifesaving Cup

Dafni , Greece

The Greek Lifesaving Sports Association announces the Greek Lifesaving Cup. The championships will take place at the School of Sport Science and Physical Education (SSSPE) of Athens University in Dafni on Saturday 14th of October, 2023. The competition is open for international participants. Participants should be GLSA members. The participants will compete in various age […]

Shaw and Partners Financial Services Coolangatta Gold 2023

Coolangatta Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia

One of the most challenging endurance races in surf sports. What began as the central theme for a motion picture 30 years ago, has now commanded a place on Australia’s annual sports calendar. The mighty Shaw and Partners Financial Services Coolangatta Gold will be held on 14-15 October on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

Greece: International Lifesaving Symposium

Athens, Greece Athens, Greece

The International Lifesaving Symposium is organized by the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association. Representatives from the International Life Saving Federation ILS, the International Life Saving Federation of Europe ILSE, the International Swimming Hall of Fame, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, the School of Sports Science and Physical Education of Athens University, the Mediterranean Lifesaving Confederation […]

Cancelled IPOM (pool competition)

Antwerp , Belgium

In Antwerp, Belgium, the IPOM 2023 will take place as a part of the ILSE Europe Cup 2023. www.redfed.be    

International German Cup 2023

Warendorf, Germany

DLRG, Germany, invites for the International German Cup in November 2023 in Warendorf, Germany. Enclosed you will find the official announcement. Announcement DP 2023_english RS 2023-062_Circular_Announcement

Orange-Cup 2023


The Orange Cup 2023 of the Reddingsbrigade Nederlands will take place in December 2023 as a pool competition. The Reddingsbrigade informs: With introducing the Friday, the competition program will be as follows: Friday                   200 mtr obstacle; 4*50 mtr obstacle relay, line-throw (?) Saturday              100 mtr Rescue Medley; 100 mtr Manikin Tow with Fins; 4 x […]

2023 World Conference on Drowning Prevention

The 2023 World Conference on Drowning Prevention was planned to take place in Colombo – Sri Lanka. Upon request of the National Lifesaving Federation of Sri Lanka, it has been postponed to 2027. The 2023 Edition is planned to take place in Perth Australia as follows: 01/12/2023: Arrival of the ILS President, the ILS Secretary […]

World Conference on Drowning Prevention WCDP

Perth , Australia

The ILS World Conference on Drowning PreventWorld Conference on Drowning Prevention (WCDP) in 2023 will take place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia. The ILS Board and Commission meetings will take place during this period.