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Report from Sri Lanka

The Lifesaving Association of Sri Lanka has produced a report on their activities during 2005 and report that their lifeguards/lifesavers have made 3,800 recorded rescues since their formation in 1947….

Rescue 2008 in Germany

At the ILS Board Meeting in February the bid of the German Life Saving Federation (DLRG) to organise Rescue 2008 has been approved. The next ILS World Championships “Rescue 2008…

Bravery Award for heroic action

The ILS Board has awarded the ‘ILS Bravery Award 2006’ to Stuart Harvey for his courage, professionalism and bravery during a rescue action on the Central Coast.

World Water Safety Conference 2007

The International Life Saving Federation announces World Water Safety 2007, the next global conference on water safety, to be held on 27, 28, and 29 September 2007 in Porto, Portugal….

Rescue 2006 successful

In his final speech, the ILS President Mr. Alan Whelpton AM labelled the event as the ‘best ever’ Rescue Series thanks to all the lifesavers and lifeguards who have travelled…