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2019 ILS World Conference on Drowning

The 2019 ILS World Conference on Drowning will take place in Durban, South Africa, 8 to 10 October, preceded by the ILS Commission and Board of Directors meetings that will…

Medal of Rescue Awarded

At the occasion of the ILS meetings in Eindhoven, the following Medals of Rescue were awarded: ILS Rescue Medal of Valour Luke McCracken (South Africa) has been awarded the ILS…

ILS Hall of Fame

Birgit Götker, Marcel Hassemeier and Stacey Bowley were recently inducted in the ILS Hall of Fame. Birgit Götker (Germany), Chief Referee and Event Director at various World and European Championships…

LWC2016 Survey

The International Life Saving Federation wishes to keep improving the World Championships and therefore your opinion is very valuable to us. We issued a survey to identify what worked well…