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WADA: Prohibited List now available

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) seeks to foster a doping free culture in sport. It combines the resources of sport and government to enhance, supplement and coordinate existing efforts to…

Arrivederci Italy – Welcome Australia

All participants at the last World Championships held in Viareggio and Livorno in the beautiful region of Tuscany will remember Rescue 2004 as a masterly organised event. ILS commends the…

RLSS Mauritius Sea swim

On Sunday 25 April, RLSS Mauritius held its annual 5-kilometres sea swim from Pereybere to Grand Baie. The day began with the presentation by the British High Commissioner, Mr David…

Risk Assessment at European Beaches

The European Branch of ILS and the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) -Blue Flag Campaign “ agreed a common approach to the Beach Management Criteria in conjunction with the Blue…

New education website launched

Surf Life Saving Queensland has developed a sub website especially for Training and Education. The website is currently in stage one and will be growing significantly over the next few…