AUSTSWIM, The Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming and Water Safety, was formed in 1979 with the objective of developing a consistent and better quality training of Teachers of Swimming and Water Safety across Australia.
Over the ensuing years, AUSTSWIM developed a core AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Course and registration process. The AUSTSWIM training and accreditation is recognised by industry as the core to the development of personal aquatic survival skills and as the minimum standard to teach swimming and water safety. AUSTSWIM accreditation requires teachers to maintain their skills through regular professional development, teaching and minimum CPR standards by reregistering every 3 years with AUSTSWIM. AUSTSWIM training and accreditation is mandated for teachers in local government facilities and programs throughout NSW via the Department of Local Government Practice Note 15. It is the mandated qualification in The Royal Life Saving Society Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations and is the nominated qualification for GST exemption for Water Safety and Swimming lessons. All state and territory Departments of Education also mandate AUSTSWIM accreditation.
AUSTSWIM trains and accredits 10,000 Teachers of Swimming and Water Safety per year, has trained over 170,000 Teachers since inception and has currently over 29,000 active, accredited teachers on its records.