ILS Asia-Pacific Region

Country/Region Organisation Membership
Australia Surf Life Saving Australia Limited ILS Full Member
Australia Royal Life Saving Society Australia ILS Full Member
Australia Austswim Ltd – The Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming and Water Safety ILS Associate Member
Bahrain Royal Life Saving Bahrain - المؤسسة الملكية للإنقاذ والسلامة المائية ILS Full Member
Bangladesh Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh - আঘাত প্রতিরোধ ও গবেষণা সেন্টার ILS Full Member
China China Swimming Association (China Life Saving Association) - 中国救生协会 ILS Full Member
Cook Islands Water Safety & Surf Lifesaving Cook Islands ILS Full Member
Hong Kong, China Hong Kong China Life Saving Society - 香港拯溺總會 ILS Full Member
India Life Saving India & Surf Life Saving India - Rashtriya Life Saving Society (India) ILS Full Member
India Marine Drishti and Coastal Foundation - Marine Drishti and Coastal Foundation ILS Corresponding Member
India Indian Lifesaving & Lifesaving Sports Federation ILS Associate Member
India Life Saving Society of India ILS Associate Member
Indonesia Indonesian Surf Life Saving Association - Badan Penyelamat Wisata Tirta (Balawista) ILS Full Member
Iran Lifesaving & Diving Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran - فدراسیون نجات غریق و غواصی جمهوری اسلامی ایران ILS Full Member
Japan Japan Lifesaving Association - 公益財団法人  日本ライフセービング協会 ILS Full Member
Jordan Royal Jordanian Marine Sports & Lifesaving Federation - الاتحاد الملكي الأردني للرياضات البحرية ILS Full Member
Korea (South) Korea Lifesaving Association - 대한인명구조협회 ILS Full Member
Korea (South) Lifesaving Society Korea - 한국라이프세이빙소사이어티 ILS Corresponding Member
Kuwait Kuwait Diving and Lifesaving Club - النادي الكویتي للغوص و الإنقاذ ILS Full Member
Lebanon The Lebanese Federation of Diving & Rescue - ألإتحاد اللبناني للغوص والإنقاذ ILS Full Member
Macau - China Macau Life Saving Society - Associaçao de Salvamento de Vidas de Macau ILS Associate Member
Malaysia Life Saving Society Malaysia - Persatuan Penyelamat Kelemasan Malaysia ILS Full Member
New Zealand Surf Life Saving New Zealand ILS Full Member
Pakistan Pakistan Life Saving Foundation (PALS Rescue) ILS Full Member
Palestine Palestinian Swimming Federation and Aquatic Sports - الاتحاد الفلسطيني للسباحة و الرياضات المائية ILS Full Member
Philippines Philippine Life Saving Society ILS Full Member
Qatar Qatar Swimming Association - الإتحاد القطري للسباحة. ILS Full Member
Saudi Arabia Saudi Life Saving Federation - الاتحاد السعودي للإنقاذ والسلامة المائية ILS Full Member
Singapore Singapore Life Saving Society ILS Full Member
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Life Saving ILS Full Member
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Water Life Saving Association ILS Full Member
Thailand Thai Life Saving Society - สมาคม เพื่อ ช่วย ชีวิต ทาง น้ำ ILS Full Member
Thailand Phuket Surf Life Saving Thailand - สมาคมภูเก็ตเพื อช่วยชีวิตทางนํ า แห่งประเทศไทย ILS Associate Member
UAE UAE Swimming Federation – Lifesaving Section ILS Full Member